Top 10k strings from Spectrum Computing - Issue 05 (1984)(ASP Software)(Side A).tzx
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8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8 ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 6 - Q to Quit": 5 h;"Page ";a/h 5 ;"START THE TAPE": 5 " Press 2 or 3 for pages or Hold S for 5 THEN PRESS ANY KEY 5 4 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 4 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 3 h;" 48K Only": 3 ;" STOP THE TAPE " 3 ;" PRESS ANY KEY TO TURN PAGE " 3 *STOP TAPE ALARM* 2 zzyyxyyzyxxyxxyxyyyx|xyyyxzz 2 zzyyxyyyyxxyyyxxxyyx|xyyxxzz 2 zzyyxyyyyxxyxyxxxxyzyzyxxxzz 2 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 2 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 2 SPrev 2 PLrev 2 JUrev 2 GRrev 2 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 2 CErev 2 ;" START THE TAPE ": 2 ;" PRESS ANY KEY TO TURN PAGE ": 2 ;" ": 2 000000000000000000000000000000 2 0000000000000000000000 2 *((yyyyyyy 1 zzyyyyyzyxxyyyyyy{yyyyy{yyzz 1 zzyyyyyzyxxyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyzz 1 zzyyxyyzyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyzz 1 zzyyxyyzyxxyyyyxyyyxxxyyyxzz 1 zzyyxyyzyxxyxyx|||yyyyy|||zz 1 zzyyxyyyyyyyyxyyyyyx|xyyyyzz 1 zzyyxyyyyxxyyyyy{yyyyyyy{yzz 1 zzyyxyyyyxxyyxyyyyyx|xyyyyzz 1 s 2 or 3 for 1 reviews1 1 prang N 1 mouse 1 hing or not rather depends on your feel-ings about PI 1 hed with a top s 1 h;"48K Only": 1 h;"16k or 48K": 1 ess 2 or 3 for pages or Hold S for 1 eas. The merest flicker is all that be- tr 1 cover$ 1 cover 1 barnsley 1 a$="*** WIZARD PRANG PRESENTS THE ""SPECTRUM COMPUTING"" ADVERTISING DISPLAY UTILITY $`$`$ MESMERISING, ISN'T IT? # 1 a$=" " 1 USE "LIST 5" TO SEE THE REST OF THE PROGRAM 1 THE INITIAL MESSAGE IS PLACED INTO a$. YOU CAN MAKE THIS ANYTHING YOU LIKE. ALL ALPHANUMERIC AND PUNCTUATION CHARACTERS WILL PRINT, BUT THE ROUTINE WON'T MAKE SENSE OF GRAPHICS OR BASIC KEYWORDS. 1 THE CODE ROUTINE DOES NOT EFFECT THE COLOURS OR OTHER ATTRIBUTES, IT JUST MOVES THE PIXELS ACROSS THE ATTRIBUTES ALREADY THERE, SO SET THESE ATTRIBUTES FROM BASIC. 1 PROGRAM LENGTH 3.5K 1 MMMMMM233333 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGAAAAAA " 1 GGGGGGG22200222 1 END OF PRANG'S PROG WHAT FOLLOWS IS JUST THE USUAL 'STOP TAPE' ALARM. HOWEVER IT DOES SHOW THAT THE METHOD WE ARE USING CAN STORE CODE ROU- TINES ANYWHERE IN A PROGRAM, NOT JUST IN LINE ONE. 1 EACH CHARACTER MUST BE POKED INTO THE SECOND LOCATION IN THE MACHINE CODE ROUTINE. THEN THE ROUTINE IS CALLED BY A "RANDOMISE USR code" AND IT PRINTS ONE LARGE CHARACTER AND SCROLLS ONE POSITION SIDEWAYS 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1 >//-----///>0 1 ;"how much I like your cassette mag. I makes such a change to the usual computer mag. I have one or two ideas however that you may like to consider for future issues: "''"1) More ads like the one for JUNGLE FEVER (These really do get you interested in going out and buying the real thing)" 1 ;"Score:";s; 1 ;"SOFTWARE REVIEWS"'' 1 ;"RAND USR 1306 RED/BLUE (n) RAND USR 1314 RED/BLUE (s) RAND USR 1307 WHITE/BLACK (n) RAND USR 1319 WHITE/BLACK (s) RAND USR 1300 GREEN/BLUE (n) RAND USR 1316 GREEN/BLUE (s) RAND USR 1333 BLUE/CYAN (n) RAND USR 1317 BLUE/CYAN (s) RAND USR 1304 BLUE/BLACK (n) RAND USR 1320 BLUE/BLACK (s) RAND USR 1315 BLUE/MAGENTA (s) RAND USR 1331 BLUE/MAGENTA (n) RAND USR 1334 YELLOW/BLACK (n) RAND USR 1318 YELLOW/BLACK (s)" 1 ;"Level:";l: 1 ;"LET TAPE RUN " 1 ;"JAN/FEB ISSUE 1 ;"I hope readers can use these in their own programs. Maybe they can find more by playing around with RAND USR" 1 ;"First I would like to say " 1 ;"FANCY BORDER STORY" 1 ;"DEAR SPECTRUM COMPUTING" 1 ;"********************************************************************************************************************************"; 1 ;"********************************"; 1 ;"********************************" 1 ;" THIS PROGRAM IS LITTERED WITH REMS FOR THOSE WHO WISH TO GET IN AND BORROW BITS." 1 ;" START THE TAPE " 1 ;" Q to QUIT or Any Other to PLAY " 1 ;" PRESS SPACE TO SEE NEXT BORDER " 1 ;" OTHERWISE PLEASE PRESS R TO RUN AGAIN OR Q TO QUIT." 1 ;" NOW YOU HAVE A GO. JUST TYPE IN ANY MESSAGE AND THEN ENTER. " 1 ;" LOADING " 1 ;" JUMBLY from DK'TRONICS"; 1 ;" STILL LOADING - LET TAPE RUN " 1 ;" SPLAT! from INCENTIVE"; 1 ;" MOUSE TRAP by D. FRERE-SMITH "'''" Help the mouse to get the cheese, but watch out for the rolling barrels! "'''" X= Run Right - Z= Run Left N= Up Ladder - B= Jump!"'''" ANY KEY TO START " 1 ;" GROUCHO from AUTOMATA"; 1 ;" STOP TAPE - PRESS ANY KEY "; 1 ;" PRESS SPACE KEY": 1 ;" NEW FACES " 1 ;" CHUKIE EGG from A&F"; 1 ;" PRESS R TO REPEAT, or PRESS Q TO QUIT " 1 ;" PRESS ANY KEY": 1 ;" POOL from CDS"; 1 ;" END OF SIDE ONE TURN TAPE OVER TO LOAD THE NEXT PROGRAM 1 ;" YOUR MESSAGE IN THIS SPACE " 1 8888888;;888 1 88888888800000888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 1 22222222222222 1 222222222222 1 22200222GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG22200222GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG22200222GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG22200222GGGGGG 1 2220022222222222444444442222222222200222222222244,,,,,,4422222222220022222222244,,,,,,,,442222222220 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 0ad-dition of an elevator. I c 1 0GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG0 1 00000000000000000000000000000000022222222222222222222222222222200222 1 0//////**////))))))//0 1 0/)))/(****(( 1 0/())(/**//()))))))))0 1 0/((((/////(((((((/))0 1 ///(///--///0 1 ................ 1 ...-----///.0 1 -----------/0 1 *****(((()9) 1 *** WIZARD PRANG PRESENTS THE "SPECTRUM COMPUTING" ADVERTISING DISPLAY UTILITY $`$`$ MESMERISING, ISN'T IT? # 1 );" MORE CHEESE ON THE NEXT LEVEL! ": 1 (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((+++****(((())****// 1 ''"RAND USR 1220 GIVES THE SIGNAL USED WHEN LOADING AND SAVING PROGRAMS (You cant break it however)" 1 ''"Best of luck with SPECTRUM COMPUTING" 1 ''"(n)= THERE IS ALSO A NOISE WITH THIS. (s) = NO NOISE"''" PRESS ANY KEY TO DEMONSTRATE": 1 ''" PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE" 1 ''" Yours Faithfully, Keith Burton" 1 ''" BARNSLEY"'" SOUTH YORKSHIRE" 1 '"You seem to have started something by using the fancy border like the one shown now But do your readers know that they can create fancy borders without any programing at all?" 1 '"You just need to use RAND USR n (n=any of the numbers on the next page)" 1 '"3) More games that we can play"''"4) And as many reviews as you can cram into each issue (I likethe new method you used in issue3 it was much better)" 1 '"2) Why don't you use both sides of the cassette it seems a wasteto only use one side." 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG%%% %%%GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG%%% %%%GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG%%% %%% 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 # PRESS A KEY TO BREAK THE SPELL. " 1 # PRESS A KEY TO BREAK THE SPELL. 1 "the sections about by sliding them into the one empty spot until they are sorted out. Do itin less moves than the 'target' to reveal the title of the next screen, of which there are many.There is a competition involved" 1 "squirrel music. Puzzle freaks bewarned, this is NOT a cure. It'sthe disease itself in its most virulent form."'" Our pic shows one of the ani- mated screens. You have to move": 1 "squash your Zippy against the walls as the window moves about.The Zippy is the little x shapedthing in the middle. You controlthe Zippy, using Kempston or AGFjoysticks, or define your own control keys, but the computer moves the window.": 1 "so we shan't say more. The un- coloured sections are the ones which are still out of place. You can define your own set ofcontrol keys or use the Kempstonstick. A 'view' key will give a look at the unscrambled picture" 1 "reviews1" 1 "popular request. Our reviews aresomething special (heck, every- thing about us is special) as our regular readers will know. Our staff magician breaks open the most obdurate machine-code games to pinch a screen and put it on your telly." 1 "pieces of hardware. But in termsof software support, this is THEmachine."'" In this issue we are reviewingmore of the best of the recent software releases than ever, by" 1 "on any home micro. And the best value too."'" The Spectrum has been around awhile now. I got mine last Xmas,(thanks again Janet). Perhaps itis starting to look a bit less exciting compared to some of thenewer, announced-but-unavailable" 1 "names are mentioned. None are THE name."'" Our snap shows one of the manylocation screens, over twenty ofthem I should think, which you find as you travel around. Thereare also occasional animated se-quences, a pretty good display" 1 "improve the Spectrum's apparent performance in these areas. The merest flicker is all that be- trays the 'only two colours to acharacter position' rule as the balls snick and rebound in an acutely realistic fashion.": 1 "for what is primarily an adven- ture game written in BASIC. The PIMAN also sticks his nose in atleast once."'" One supposes that the highish price of this prog, and PIMANIA too, is due to the cost of pro- viding the Big Prize. (NO ONE'S" 1 "for comparison, and you can turnoff the music, unless you feel that being driven batty helps your game, as it well might. This is from the same man who created MAZIACS, 3D TANX and SPAWN OF EVIL, but JUMBLY is theone I couldn't stop playing.": 1 "button as you walk him past the end of a ladder it works much better than trying to halt him in the right spot."'" The controls are definable to suit you, or a key-imitating joystick, but other joysticks" 1 "boss in our barnyard, and what she says, goes!"'" The farmer can jump as well asclimb ladders. In fact he can take a running jump, if you'll pardon the expression. Position-ing him for a climb can be a bittricky, but if you hold the 'up'" 1 "based on those little plastic tablets with 15 movable numbers in a 4 by 4 grid, which enjoyed a Rubic type fad years ago. What Don Priestley has done isto apply the idea to moving pic-tures, make it bigger (5 by 4), add toroidal topology (wrap- around to you) and set it all to" 1 "barnsley" 1 "at the system variables in the back of the manual. Did you knowthat some computer manufacturersconsider that kind of informa- tion secret? Sir has made sure you have it whether you want it or not, and if you program, you want it." 1 "around, as it is not randomly generated but an almost 'real' place. Learn where the invisiblegrass grows and it will always be there to increase your score. Besides eating grass and plumsthe object of the game is not to" 1 "are not supported."'" I got about three screens intothe game and each one was dif- ferent, the third having the ad-dition of an elevator. I see toomany chickens in real life to goany further. You have a go.": 1 "all interest in business, the independants whom he has encour-aged to support the Spectrum, will continue, enthusiastically,so to do."'" How, you may ask, has he aidedthese independants? Have a look" 1 "WON IT YET!) I've heard grumblesthat PIMANIA is rather too diff-icult, but GROUCHO will be won. Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for the duck to come down and give me a hunnerd dollars.": 1 " There is a microcosmic park in SPLAT! which resembles Hyde Parkas redecorated by the Red Queen,to scale. You can only see aboutone sixty-fourth of the playing area through the window at one time, but you can learn your way" 1 " SPECTRUM COMPUTING- ISSUE FIVE JAN/FEB 1 " New Faces next page Not that kind of... ""mouse"" Software Reviews ""reviews1"" A Letter from... ""barnsley"" The Wizard ""prang""" 1 " You seek Uncle Groucho throughthe haunts and dives of several unlikely sounding burgs in the putative USA, engaging in guess-ing games, the prize for which is a clue in the overall game, but be warned, lots of star's ": 1 " You aim your shots by moving alittle pointer around the edge of the table, then set the forceof the shot and fire. Controls are by keyboard and work fine. This game only requires a joy- stick in real life." 1 " Welcome to our fifth issue." 1 " We confidently expect to be joined this issue by many new readers who recently found a Spectrum in their stocking. If this is you then welcome, you not only have rather large feet,but also access to the largest collection of software available" 1 " This magazine is made up of a number of articles and programs chained together in a manner similar to the 'HORIZONS' tape that came with your computer." 1 " This is Ian Andrew's follow-upto Mined Out and was launched with a top score competition. Ifthere is still time to enter, you might be interested to know that Ian reckons that the keys score better than joysticks.": 1 " There are several implementa- tions of the 'ball plying game' on the Spectrum, but this is thebest that I've seen so far. It succeeds partly because it does not try to do too much." 1 " There are only six balls in the triangle at the start, and the rules of the game are comic-ally simple to anyone who under-stands snooker. All you do is pot the balls. The scoring is a bit more intricate but the com- puter does that for you.": 1 " The more good, cheap software a computer has going for it, themore users it will have, and themore users, the more people willwant to supply software. I don'tsee how any of us can lose, pro-vided the electricity holds out." 1 " The easiest way to use it is to go through the articles in sequence, following the prompts.However, there is a table of contents on the next page, for those who wish to go straight toa particular article or program." 1 " The chickens aren't pushovers either. One touch from a hen andit's all over, so the poor farm-er is harried somewhat as he goes about his egg collecting. Good thing they're kind of dumb." 1 " Some manufacturers try to keepcompetitors from writing soft- ware for 'their' computer, hop- ing to cash in on aftersales. Ifthey manage to hog the market, it just puts people off the com-puter." 1 " So this is where GROUCHO's duck got to! I don't quite know what it's doing here, because itnever got out of its cage while I was playing, but if it should do so the feathers apparently start to fly." 1 " Putting the whole snooker tab-le on the screen is an exercise best left to the Beeb. CDS have cut the game to suit the graph- ics and have ended up with a most realistic and precise ball and table game which is neither snooker or pool but works well." 1 " Please note that some files load in an unusual fashion. Do not stop the tape until you see a flashing prompt and hear the hooter." 1 " Our resident Wizard, the re- doubtable Prang, claims to know this secret (and all others, come to that), and with a pass of his hand has caused a furtherclue to appear in a back issue of Der Speigel. Can it be?" 1 " In the year ahead, we Spectrumusers can view with aplomb the crashes and rescue bids as vari-ous lesser micros fail in the marketplace. There are so many of us already that when Sir Un- cle Clive is made Pope and loses" 1 " GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGyyyyyyyyyyyyAA 1 " Besides the walls, you have toavoid spikes and stay out of thewater. Survive all the hazards long enough and you are bumped up a level and get to see more of the maze, at an increased speed. Take a good look at our snap at level 6, you will have" 1 " Besides getting all the eggs, which you must do to bring on the next screen, you get extra points for trampling the piles of chicken food that are dotted around the place. I know, it is not the way I'd run my farm ei- ther. There is only room for one": 1 " Automata have done it again! Whether that's a good thing or not rather depends on your feel-ings about PIMANIA. Some people would run a mile. Others will begoing without sleep to chase theclues to the name of the secret Hollywood personality." 1 " A most impressive offering forthose who are bored with invaderthumping and prepared to pummel their own organ of contemplationinstead. Win through and you getto help write JUMBLY II."'" The puzzle, for such it is, is" 1 " You get the 'Star Letter' prize for this issue, Keith, and not for the flattery. We love it of course, but it's the BORDER tip that clinched it. Plus the fact that yours was the only letter. A pack of ten C15 cassettes is on its way." 1 " We must be the only magazine whose readers write in asking for more adverts. I can only assume that the advertising staff at all the software com- panies are not Spectrum users, and hence can't 'see' what is inside the magazine." 1 " Side Two" 1 " Side One" 1 " CONTENTS " 1 " " " ' " 1 " ED." 1 " " " 1 WAITING TO LOAD 1 THIS GETS THE ADDRESS OF THE NEXT LINE WHICH CONTAINS THE MACHINE CODE IN A REM, AND PUTS IT IN THE VARI- ABLE "code". 1 THE MACHINE CODE IS STORED IN A REM STATEMENT. YOU CAN SAVE IT ON ITS OWN WITH- SAVE "NAME" CODE code,135 OR DELETE ALL BUT LINES 2 AND 3 AND SAVE AS A BASIC PROGRAM TO BE MERGED WITH OTHERS. 1 IT'S VERY NAUGHTY TO RETURN FROM THE MIDDLE OF A FOR/NEXT LOOP THIS WAY. AUNTY'S MICRO WON'T LET YOU DO IT! 1 APS LTD 11111000000 145 CHARING CROSS ROAD, LONDON WC2H OEE TEL. 01-437 1002 EDITOR IOLO DAVIDSON " 1 11111000000 APS" 1 " There is a good demo sequence that starts up if you don't playand also a two player mode. Pityyou can't play against the comp-uter, but we are talking about 16K here."'" The graphics and sound both show how careful planning can" 1 ' 1 "to get really proficient to see it again."'" There are a number of nice surprizes, and I don't think it will spoil them if I tell you towatch for YIPPEE, Breakfast, andthe wild lands beyond." 1 ! " 1 ! 1 " Getting into... ""depth"" More Reviews ""reviews2"" Super Cassette... ""decks"" The Walls Close In ""escape"" Hacker's Hangout ""hack""" 1 !! 1 !! 1 "" 1 " 1